
Comments on Destiny Reservists

Transcript of a tape recording of Bill Sadler at a study group in Oklahoma City

Bill: How is someone qualified to become a destiny reservist?

Audience: Training--

Bill: Number one: They've got a special aptitude, natural, to operate in a certain direction. Number two: They've got an appropriately experienced Adjuster. In other words, if the aptitude's oratory, the Adjuster's got oratory experience. Number three: They aren't hungry for glory. They're perfectly willing to serve without honor and recognition. If they're hungry for glory, it washes them up, because they don't want to stay in reserve.

Then, they're recruited by some method. I suspect, the secondary midwayers. And when they are admitted to the reserve corps, a secondary midwayer is attached to them. And it's that midwayer's job to see to it that they don't get knocked off accidentally, you know, because an investment's going to be made. They're protecting their investment.

Audience: Runs interference . . .

Bill: Right. And, such a secondary midwayer was attached to the Apostle Andrew—and wrote the first draft of the Jesus papers. It was his job to see to it that Andrew didn't get accidentally killed for no reason at all; not to keep Andrew from dying in the end. These reservists are then--by concerted midwayer and Adjuster action--they're rehearsed. I think a lot of taping is done in the superconscious level of mind. And they are assigned to the twelve departments of planetary government, which are named in the papers. You know, the Department of Religious Life, the Department of Progress, the Department of Political Nation Life—

Audience: Where are those departments? I don't mean in the book, but where on the planet—

Bill: They're—I don't know. Wherever the planetary capital is.

Audience: Yes.

Bill: They have structures here that don't register on us, just like radio waves don't.

Audience: I thought the capital was right out here—

Bill: No, no, the capital of Urantia is wherever the resident Governor General is. And each of these departments has a chief, like the Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and so forth. And these reservists are divided up among these departments. I think they give us the proportions in here. The whole thing is discussed in Paper 114, section 7; you get your—starting there, you get your 12 departments. Epochal, progress, religious, nation life, races, future, enlightenment, health, home, industry, diversion, superhuman ministry. Those are the 12 departments of planetary government. And these reservists—at the time of the papers, there were 962 reservists on earth—they're divided into 12 groups, assigned to these vrious departments. The smallest group was numbered 41, and the largest numbered 172.

Visualize what happens when essential planetary information is conserved. You see, the reserve corps of destiny is immortal; its members are mortal—but the corps never dies. Now let's just imagine. I want to just cut my imagination loose on paragraph two here and do some speculating here. You've got an old member of the reserve corps of destiny who's dying. I can easily visualize—let's say this old timer's dying in the city of Pittsburgh, and out in Denver there is a new member of the reserve corps. And I can see this old timer and this new timer both asleep. And I can visualize the detachment of the two Thought Adjusters. And from the Adjuster of the dying reservist to the Adjuster of the young reservist there flows a blast of information which is retained on the planet as a part of the essential information conserved by the reserve corps of destiny.

And these Adjusters, I think, can communicate pretty fast. They don't commit these people unless they're in a last ditch. When you commit your reserve, you've got nothing in reserve, have you? The reserve corps of destiny is the insurance policy taken out by the planetary administrators against disaster. These reservists are insurance policies. I think that's a good way of looking at it.

Audience: Lincoln.

Bill: Lincoln, I think, was a reservist.

Audience: How about Churchill, was he—

Audience: They say they're seldom emblazoned on the pages of history.

Bill: Seldom. It's my considered opinion Lincoln was a reservist. And he came up fast from comparative obscurity. And he moved on fast when his job was done. As we discussed last night, if I were to speculate, I think Lincoln was rehearsed to do two things: end slavery and preserve the union. He was darn good at those two things, and he did his share of bumbling in every other direction. But, Marvin, nobody writes the Gettysburg Address that fast. That was taped, I think. That's a good example of the fruits of rehearsal. He just sat down and casually scribbled that thing out on some old envelopes, and if you study that address—it's deathless prose. Just deathless. I don't know about Winston Churchill.